Beyond the NPS: measuring customer delight

Customer delight is a rare and precious emotion that transcends the customer experience but can’t be simply assessed on a scale of 0 to 10.

It consists in the outcome of an exceptional interaction that solidifies the connection between customer and brand, thus offering undeniable loyalty and a remarkable competitive advantage.

But achieving customer delight is no easy task. Offering excellent service is not enough. It remains essential to go beyond expectations and positively surprise customers. This element of surprise triggers a strong, memorable and lasting emotion.

Capturing customer emotion to assess customer delight

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Let’s imagine that a company wants to deploy a customer delight strategy. How could it measure its effectiveness?

Many companies assess their customer experience performance using traditional metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Consumer Effort Score (CES).

These scales are well-designed for measuring overall satisfaction, yet often unable to spot and quantify customer delight.

Here’s an example. Two customers, interviewed as they leave the store, were asked to describe their experience in three spontaneous words:

  • Customer 1: quality / helpful / options
  • Customer 2: luxury / marvelous / chic

These two customers had different experiences, the second one being closer to “delight”. Yet their answers on traditional scales were identical: 5/5 in satisfaction and 10/10 in recommendation.

To capture delight, one needs to go beyond these closed and limited scales. It is essential to integrate an indicator capable of capturing customer emotion lying at the heart of customer delight.

R3MSCORE approach: spontaneous language analysis

This is where our innovative approach comes in. Thanks to spontaneous language analysis, we can detect several levels of emotional intensity.

R3MSCORE, our language analysis algorithm, uses three spontaneous words to quantify the customer’s emotional activation and report on the intensity of their experience.

Let’s return to the previous example. Using R3MSCORE, the differences in emotional activation between the two customers become obvious, even though their satisfaction and recommendation scores were identical:

Customer 1

Customer 2
Customer feedbackquality / helpful / optionsluxury / marvelous / chic
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Comparison between R3MSCORE and NPS / CES indicators commonly used to measure customer delight.

And so, just by adding a question to your forms:

What are the 3 words that come to mind after your experience with our company/brand?

You obtain a complete diagnosis of the customer experience.

By combining R3MSCORE with standard metrics such as overall satisfaction, NPS and CES, you will be able to measure not only customer satisfaction but also customer delight.

R3MSCORE analysis will also help you identify precisely which factors contribute to the intensity of customer experience! For more information, please read our article about How emotional analysis improves Customer Experience management.


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